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Getting started is pretty easy! 

If you are reading this, you are half way there already!  We can assume that you are tired of flying in circles, practicing your landings, etc. and looking for a new R/C challenge…and you are in luck!

First, let’s start by clearing away a few “myths” about scale aerobatic competition.

I need a BIG plane!

FALSE !  You can get started with a simple trainer if that is what you have available!  It is true that planes designed for aerobatic competition are easier to fly, but there are MANY designs out on the market that are inexpensive, small enough to get into your car, and are VERY competitive.


FALSE !  Like any hobby, you can put as much or as little as you want into it.  Some pilots win consistently with low cost equipment while other pilots with the latest and greatest struggle.  In golf there is a saying – “Money can’t buy a swing!”…and it is the same in scale aerobatics….it is more about the pilot’ and the time they put into practicing.  True that as you skills increase

There is no age limit and you can get started with whatever plane you are flying right now. You don’t have to be some kind of super experienced R/C pilot but you do need to have the drive and desire to improve your flying skills.  No other R/C activity will improve your flying skills as quickly as aerobatic competition.

Look in your area for IMAC activity

Check out your area flying clubs for IMAC activity. If you need help and live in the US or Canada, find out the IMAC region you live in by visiting the Regions part of this website. Once you know your region, click the Contact Your Regional Director button above the photos on the left and ask for details about activity in your area. Your regional director will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Ask for help!

While you can certainly learn on your own, it helps to have an experienced IMAC pilot to help guide you. A second set of eyes can help you get your loops rounder, your lines straighter, and your timing perfected. You can also contribute the same way to their practice by observing and offering feedback.

Attend an Intro to IMAC event or a Judging School

Intro to IMAC or sometimes called a Basic Primer is a great way to jump start your flying. You will learn how contests are run and what to expect when you attend your first event. At most of these, you will get a chance to actually fly the Basic sequence in front of judges and receive scores – just like a regular IMAC event.

Most regions will have at least one or two Judging Schools a year – usually near the very beginning of the flying season. Judging schools help you learn the rules and understand what judges should be looking for in your flying. Actually learning to judge is a completely different challenge. Many of the best judges are average competition pilots and conversely many of the best pilots are average judges.

So what are you waiting for?

Just head over to the Download section of this website and get you a copy of the Basic sequence. Yes…it looks like a lot of squiggly lines on a piece of paper…it is drawn in what is called an Aresti diagram. Aresti diagrams are a type of short hand for ALL aerobatic competition in the world – full scale or model. But…it’s pretty easy to learn…Take a look at the video on Learning Aresti (which is also on the Download page) to help you get started.